A dream
I had a dream last night. I was on a bus filled with people. The bus stopped and let some more people in. I looked out, on a field on the left. Beautiful landscape, a field covered in snow. It was very cold. I noticed a little brook that was frozen on the side of the field, and I saw this man walking on the brook, on the thin ice of it. I thought: "Ice is not strong enough, he might fall and maybe the water is deeper than he thinks". For some reason I knew that the man was weak, maybe ill or very old. When the driver closed doors and took off I shouted: "Stop! We have to help him!"  
Felt a lot of stress - the driver wouldn't listen, doesn't have time and will ignore me, has to be on time for his schedule and I should just accept that I can't help the man. But something amazing happened. The driver stopped the bus, opened the doors and all people ran out to help the man. As if they already knew we should. People ran over the field. Asking each other who knew CPR, helping each other run in the snow. The man had started to sink in the water, that seemed very deep. The man's body contours on the ice. As if he was flying. Then I woke up with a strong happy feel of that we saved his life. We did it together. I knew I wasn't alone. There were others around me with the same thoughts. We made it. 
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